If you are looking for a compelling Welcome Sign that will distinguish yours from all the others you’ve seen, you should consider a custom made wooden sign. Whether you are running a Country Inn, a Lodge with rustic cabins, an old family General Store, or simply a Lake Cabin, second home, or RV Camping Site…a custom carved wood sign will provide you that unique distinction that will set you apart from others around you. It will also make a statement for those who visit your business, arrive at your home, or extend a Howdy to those other campers at the sites you frequent.
Everything about your Welcome Sign speaks volumes about you and your uniqueness. Because there are hundreds, indeed thousands, of fonts and varieties, a powerfully designed wooden sign becomes a composition. For instance, a simple font is often used to deliberately convey a rustic look. A different, even simple font choice of the exact text will profoundly change the balance and harmony of the sign. The right font can determine the overall look, which, in turn, can make the message on the sign more appealing.
Remember, your overall goal is to grab the attention of potential customers, guests, visitors, or neighbors and give them something to remember. Since your sign will likely be one of the first aspects of your business or abode they will see, the way it appears is a crucial part of customer attraction, personification, and identification. The message itself is just as important as the look, as it will make a statement to the viewer - receiver - target. You want them to continue coming back, to tell others about your style, to express your warmth, personality, and affection, so be sure it is something they will likely remember: the more distinctive, the better. It may even define you or, at the very least, something about who you are and what you have that’s unique - so choose your words carefully.
If you are still determining the sign's look, consult the person who will create it. Collaborating directly with the sign design artist is the most powerful tool for customizing or tailoring the right message, balance, and harmony. Once you have established exactly what you are going for (sometimes you just don’t know what you are looking for but know it when you see it), you will have an easier time deciding how it should look. Many designs can help present your message. The one you choose should complement the message on your sign. If the message is simple and rustic, go for that design. If you are going for something more complex, designs are also available to fit those signs.
It’s all in the presentation. Avoid vendors who have a page of images from which you may select. Or a page of fonts you must use. Or worse, how many letters per line are you restricted to? It requires much more than counting letters on a fixed-shaped and sized panel and hoping folks will notice your message. I love Western Red Cedar and have been using this fantastic and legendary material for over 60 years in construction, as well as my art of carving personalized outdoor welcome signs. Find us at www.cedarsign.com, where we've hand-carved personalized cedar outdoor signs since 1965!
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