Considering a Carved, Custom Wood Sign? 

The only legitimate, prudent choice for your wood sign is Real Western Red Cedar. It speaks to nature, harmony, and environmental reverence. If your sign is placed outside, you will need wood that will withstand various weather conditions without becoming cracked, damaged, or flawed over time. Western Red Cedar is the TOP choice used exclusively at the Cedar Sign Company. We carve the finest custom wood signs available today in no small way because we use prime grade, quarter-sawn, clear, Real Western Red Cedar's because of its exceptional properties!

Cedar is dimensionally stable - its durability is legendary. This means it lies flat and straight without warping or cracking like almost all other woods will do. This also means it will withstand all that nature and weather will conspire against it and still look great over a long time. This is the stuff West Texas fence posts are made from! Western Red Cedar was used to construct King Solomon's temple in Jerusalem circa 1000 BC. The use of Cedar is mentioned in The Iliad. Western Red Cedar is used mainly in applications requiring resistance to weather, such as shakes and shingles - Totem poles, for heavens' sake!

Cedar also won't decay, nor does it rot. Western Red Cedar is the first and clear choice for carved wooden signs. The natural oils it contains prevent deterioration from happening as they preserve the wood from decay. Cedar also has a beautiful aroma, thus adding to the rustic feel of your home, lodge, cabin, or business. If you choose Western Red Cedar as the material for your next personalized carved custom wood, you can keep your sign for a long time. Whether you decide to refresh its finish or just leave it in its natural state, you will be happy with the many great attributes of this wood. Although unfinished cedar will change colors over time, the slow metamorphosis can be appealing, too.

Never employ shellac, varnish, or polyurethane to maintain Cedar's richly textured grain with amber, cinnamon, and sienna coloring. You will find this to be true the more research time you invest, as the internet is ripe with vendors making inexpensive signs of inferior wood varieties using these shiny, spray-applied clear finishes. Etsy, Amazon, County Fairs, and Craft Expos spew shiny wood signs. That's NOT what you need. There is a way better solution to durability than these old-fashioned approaches. A green finish system that releases zero VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) formulated to enhance and enrich the natural durability and appearance of Western Red Cedar. You want a craftsman employing finish formulas that enhance water damage and reduce graying by incorporating sun-blocking and ultra-violet protection like our Cedar Finish Refresher.

Western Red Cedar will not bow or sag over time. This means your sign will stay straight and visible as long as you keep it up. Because of this, your sign will last as long as your application and look as beautiful in years to come as it did the day it was created. Since it is self-preserved, you will not have to take a lot of time refreshing its finish and can feel confident that you will see a definite return on your investment.
